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Monday, November 15, 2010

December Babies supported by family and friends

Hi there December Babies and those who valiantly support us through our tough times

I'm the December Babe in arms
And here was I thinking that I had an original thought in thinking up the name 'December Babies' for what has become an annual get together.  For some reason I Googled it, and lo and behold, there is a blog about it!  I tell you what - there ain't nuthin' that Mr Google hasn't addressed.

There was even a survey which I have included part there of - people around me haven't actually committed these offences but my empathetic self knows that it is an absolute pain to my family and friends that I had the misfortune to be born so close to Christmas.  I feel their pain as they attempt to stretch their already limited time and dollar to make me feel wanted and loved. 

The R&R factor - 3rd to the right
 I decided the best thing to do was to change the date which I did when my offspring were in their teens.  My daughter thought it was a good idea and dutifully went along with it - however my son said "It isn't your birthday, Mum."   I weakened to logic and reason and let it go. Damn! 

 However, I leave you with this thought - potential parents -  beware the 'Ides of March' re conception!  September Babies conceived during the holiday season  are ultimately better off.  However, I forgive my parents, since I was conceived during R and R leave - I won't tell you which war.  It had quite an impact on me when I realised the R & R factor - it  offered me a romanticised view - where my ordinary  mum and dad could have been part of a movie script, with my conception having the dramatic background of war.  I am here as a result of wider, more important need; that is, to replace those who died in the war, or at the very least,  conceived in a real moment of passion perhaps the result of long absence.  from's1.htm

Thanks to my  friends and family for your support.

The blog I stumbled across which expresses the dilemma of DB

December Babies share many common experiences throughout their birth month; some are good but unfortunately many are bad. Help us compile the December Babies Criminal Code by letting us know what are the worst offenses you’ve seen or experienced around your birthday?

•The Party Lump: Birthday parties get “lumped” in with other family or friend get-togethers.
•The Lazy Card: Holiday cards read: “Oh yeah, Happy Birthday, too”
•The Wrap Job: Birthday gifts are wrapped in holiday-themed wrapping paper.
•The Fake Cake: A surplus holiday fruitcake with a few crooked candles jammed into it masquerades as a birthday cake.
•The Combo Gift: No, not the tasty snack! The dreaded “combo” combines birthday and holiday gift into one convenient unit.
•The Party Snub: Having a December birthday party that no one attends because of other commitments, workplace parties.......

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