Hi R
I'm repeating this post because I never did get an answer to my question, "Did it change your life?" and "What colour are you now?" C
To view or add comment, click on "no comment" - you can comment as 'anonymous' if you don't have a google account; or send an email - clara@babyboomerconnections.com.au or visit my website at www.babyboomerconnections.com.au
I'm repeating this post because I never did get an answer to my question, "Did it change your life?" and "What colour are you now?" C
Posted 2012 - have been dying to talk about hair, mainly about issues to do with dyeing it or not -and my friend from www.shopatnextdoor.com provided me with the perfect opportunity when she said, "Have you ever just wanted a change? You know something to brighten your day, set your world on fire? Well that was me yesterday at the hair salon. Why not go red? After all I was born a red head. My father's nick name was Red. I have fair skin and freckles, perfect for red hair. So I pulled the plug (on the bottle) and unleashed the real me. Reddy, set, go. you think? R"
Hi R
"I have cut out articles from magazines etc, have observed brave friends who have taken the au - naturale road (No no no! Not me! Don't be silly!), so feel I am quite expert at the subject; and I am totally with you. Why not be a perfectly natural red head? I think you look like a movie star! More to come on this strand but in the meantime, how has it has changed your life? Clara of blonde tresses |
To view or add comment, click on "no comment" - you can comment as 'anonymous' if you don't have a google account; or send an email - clara@babyboomerconnections.com.au or visit my website at www.babyboomerconnections.com.au
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