Two friends reunited (via facebook) bridging the time gap of 30 years, the geographical gap - Australia and USA, and the generation gap; by blogging about food, fashion, fotography, fitness, family, and friends.
Renotta ........ Web-
Clara ........"Developing a fusion of contemporary food with health, fitness and creative ideas. - Web Web

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fit in Your Jeans, whatever that means

Hi R
From a friend of mine who loves to dress up;   and being a country girl, said, "There is only one thing worse than "Mutton dressed up as Lamb" and that is "Mutton dressed up as Mutton."  So true!

Having spent hours tonight, looking at jeans from a mature style perspective, this is one image I thought said it all.


Sooooo .... many shapes and designs along with advice on how the mature / larger / shorter / etc woman looks best. 
I like this image from your website
as this style can be worn well with boots, but personal choice for me  is a slightly higher rise.  There are so many body shapes and styles it must be really tricky to advise how we can use our jeans to enhance and improve our ever changing shape/style.

I am wondering what your favourite jean style is - and since I am visiting you in October, what you will be wearing?  I adore the straight leg jean with a high boot, or the bootleg style with a boot under.  Need your professional reassurance. 

Still struggling with Photoshop  (I have bought Elements)  and this is an image Liz and I worked on today (my new friend when we both couldn't get there after an 8 week course).  It's very raw but I like it.  Based on one of the jeans photos you posted. I love photoshop. 
Would appreciate feedback.

Click on 'comment' at bottom of page to have your say or email

1 comment:

  1. I love the title. Looks like you're getting the hang of it. It's all about layers. Once you figure that out, it's a breeze. We'll have fun experimenting with it in October. I like layers in fashion as well, long tops layered over skinny jeans with belts and scarves and fun handbags. By October we'll all be wearing boots again, not because of the weather but because we all love the look.



We would love to hear your feedback.