Two friends reunited (via facebook) bridging the time gap of 30 years, the geographical gap - Australia and USA, and the generation gap; by blogging about food, fashion, fotography, fitness, family, and friends.
Renotta ........ Web-
Clara ........"Developing a fusion of contemporary food with health, fitness and creative ideas. - Web Web

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Spring has sprung - Fragrance evokes memories

Hi there Nanooka and to those in the North who are leaving  the warmth and humidity behind, with mixed feelings, I'm sure.
From down-under.......... My house is fragrant with the perfume of spring. Therefore it is full of memories since to me, fragrance is the ultimate trigger.
"Spring has sprung
The grass is ris
Please tell me where
The birdies is"
The change of seasons has to be a most evocative time as nature demonstrates the dynamic cycle of life. The exact opposite happening at the same time, in different hemispheres, is a reminder of the world's rotation, our dependence on  amazing, ongoing cycles, emphasising the need to be keep nature in balance. It is also a renewal - an opportunity to start again - to do it better. Several attempts at the music behind these spring images, gathered  over the last few weeks, didn't feel right for different reasons - this Jethrow Tull Flute is edgy, combined with harmonious. I thought this described the process of change.

As a Granny - well a Nonna, I love to share with a child the everchanging beauty which surrounds us, and help them to be aware of the fragility of our planet.  This is an essential role of the Matriach. 

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  1. How can it be spring there already? You need to have long months of cold and snow first. Your photos are beautiful. My gardens are sadly looking like fall. It's alway amazes me that despite continued warm weather and lots of watering, the plants all know it's time to take a rest and get ready for the big hibernation ahead. Of course we still have lots of beautiful days ahead before the first snow fall. I love adding ornamental cabbages and fall grasses to the beds to give them a fall flavor. You'll enjoy some lovely days with us in October.

  2. So much looking forward to enjoying some lovely days with you in October and experiencing your world again.


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