Two friends reunited (via facebook) bridging the time gap of 30 years, the geographical gap - Australia and USA, and the generation gap; by blogging about food, fashion, fotography, fitness, family, and friends.
Renotta ........ Web-
Clara ........"Developing a fusion of contemporary food with health, fitness and creative ideas. - Web Web

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Grannies - Spending time with grandchildren is our gift

R wrote in response to my food blog on avocados - While my creativity has blossomed in the textile arts with my project blog, all other aspects in my life have, alas, become a bit mundane, especially my meal planning.
There just isn't enough time in the day anymore to be a great cook, an avid exerciser, an entrepreneur and a granny. I'm concentrating on the grannie part as that is the most important part.

My meals lately have consisted of take out from the local market with some salads thrown in. Thank goodness it's a great market and has lots of healthy food to offer. October looks to be a calmer month and with your visit, I am looking forward to lots of creative time, in the studio, in the kitchen and all over our town. It will be great fun.

Clara -  My visit to Wisconsin to catch up after 30 years is very special - our base was combining young children with creativity, being entrepreneurial, exercising, while offering healthy food and lifestyle.  Now being a good granny, and still combining the above, is I believe, exactly where you need to be, and you are fortunate to be close enough to have a regular cuddle.    

Allocating time is still the issue:  with modern grannies, mothers and working women - or in fact anyone who chooses to do all you say.  R, there never was enough time to do all of that, no matter your age and stage!  Germaine didn't raise a family, then have the joy of grandchildren - in fact, after all her protestations on women wasting time in kitchens looking after men and families, has herself become a little bit foodie. 

Women, as you know, have always had to juggle family interests with other aspects of a fulfilling life;  having been a single parent, I know this well: our mothers, with the advent of modern appliances and post wartime values,  were only on the brink of being able to combine other interests, let alone a career, while nuturing a family. 

Which is why a great motto  'Carpe diem',  Live the Day,  expresses how your creativity has  'Blossomed' in the textile arts, at the same time  embracing the importance of being a great granny.  If we don't grab the moment, it will be gone - bonding happens early and is for a lifetime.  Also it happens through contact not bloodline.
Also, at the same time, this is our time too, and if we don't grab it and express ourselves now, then when ?

Meanwhile, throwing together a selected takeaway, combining it with fabulous quick salads, is a perfect answer.  I adore warm

Where have the years gone?
salads for instance which is just what you are describing. 
So much to catch up over a glass of wine.

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1 comment:

  1. Baby AJ was 8 weeks old on Thursday. He's smiling and cooing and demanding more attention everyday. Can't wait for you to meet him. He comes over alot, even stays without his mom now and then. Sunday is bath day at grannies house. Roberto is smitten.


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