Two friends reunited (via facebook) bridging the time gap of 30 years, the geographical gap - Australia and USA, and the generation gap; by blogging about food, fashion, fotography, fitness, family, and friends.
Renotta ........ Web-
Clara ........"Developing a fusion of contemporary food with health, fitness and creative ideas. - Web Web

Thursday, September 1, 2011

TOMTOM - so where do you want to go, Clara?

I dedicate this blog to my mates, LWL (ladies who lunch) who started at the same school as FIRST-TIME teachers.  Lovely catch up - great communication.  And the reason I purchased my TOMTOM.  All will be revealed..............
LWL - Circa   mid to late 60's- teachers  

It arrived today - my first non book purchase on-line

You are going to help me find my way!

Hi R
Well........ thanks for your somewhat emotional response to my technical question re what is so good about your ipad?  ie "I'm in love with my ipad. It makes me happy just to think about it."

I haven't made any decisions yet re an I Pad or Android but I did make another important purchase.  And here it is.......  A TOMTOM!  Love the name - makes me feel as though it's going to communicate to me how to get where I want to go. 

So where do you want to go, Clara?  

The answer is. "To where I decide to go."  Therein lie choices, not only re destination, but how I want to get there.

OK,  so here's the history - Ladies who Lunch - LWL - destination was via a route I chose not to take.  I don't do expressways anymore  ever since the unfortunate journey via the airport from Artarmon to an address in Artarmon.  Well - I got into the wrong lane - then was afraid to go sideways fearing that I would be lost forever.

So, everyone else was still driving out of their comfort zone,  except me - which was confronting and cost a lot.
After counselling from the group, when I saw a special deal on the net re TOMTOM, I decided to go for it. 

When I told G about it, he said I really didn't need it, because I didn't drive anywhere out of the area.  So I said, "The less I drive, the more fearful I become."  He understood and is supportive  - we had a lesson even, where I drove to IKEA land via GPS and felt good about it.  He agreed to shut up re my other driving habits - Yeaaah!

So - TOMTOM has arrived and I need to read the manual. Hmmmmmm

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