Two friends reunited (via facebook) bridging the time gap of 30 years, the geographical gap - Australia and USA, and the generation gap; by blogging about food, fashion, fotography, fitness, family, and friends.
Renotta ........ Web-
Clara ........"Developing a fusion of contemporary food with health, fitness and creative ideas. - Web Web

Monday, December 12, 2011

Flipping Out

Hi C,

Sorry I missed calling you today. I was planning to call around 5am my time, 9pm your time. Best laid plans. There I was awake at 1 am with my usual insomnia. Out comes the iPad, not a good idea. Instead of lulling me back to sleep, it flipped me out with this app called Flipboard. You get lost in it, finding one more interesting bit of information after another as you flip from page to page. I just finished reading an interesting novel called A Visit From the Goon Squad. The author introduces you to a cast of characters in the 80's and takes you with them into the year 2021. It ends with a description of children referred to as "pointers". Everyone communicates through a device by pointing at it. Pointers in the future, flippers in the present. Oh well... I finally fell back asleep around 3 and then overslept and missed my window to call you. Next Monday, I promise. Thought in the mean time you'd enjoy my self portrait taken in the wee small hours. If you look closely you'll see a photo of Brad Pitt on the cover of the NY Times magazine. I looked a lot like him!  R


  1. Hahahaha I LOVE this. Wonderful post.

  2. Lovely self portrait! Wasn't much going on at that time of day, I guess. What's the matter with our Brad?
    When we are rich and famous, folks will pay biiiiig money for this photo,


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