Two friends reunited (via facebook) bridging the time gap of 30 years, the geographical gap - Australia and USA, and the generation gap; by blogging about food, fashion, fotography, fitness, family, and friends.
Renotta ........ Web-
Clara ........"Developing a fusion of contemporary food with health, fitness and creative ideas. - Web Web

Friday, April 26, 2013

Eves's Salad ticked all the boxes

Eve's Salad - Taken inexpertly with my i-phone

Warm fig and pomegranate salad

This ticked all the boxes for me when I took it along to a friend’s fabulous dinner party!!  

OK, so why did it tick the boxes, you ask?

· Thepomegranate dressing has an interesting flavour due to my new 'must-have in the frig’, Pomegratate Molasses. ("Molasses… Molasses… it's icky-sticky goo, Molasses… Molasses… it al-ways stick -to -you"). No, this is not your usual molasses. It adds a complex but not too sweet flavour to many dishes.
Pomegranate seeds add an interesting crunch as each little seed explodes in your mouth.

· The warmed figs – I love figs in every form and have happy memories when G and Istole them from an ancient tree in the garden of a long deserted villa. They were firm, sweet and were warmed by the Tuscan sun; I felt like Eve. Perhaps Adam and Eve ate a fig and not an apple which makes sense since they were wearing fig leaves; hence the renaming of the salad.  So the BBQ’d warmed figs hit a high note with me.
Here it is... for 4 servings

Eve's salad

4 large ripe figs cut in half . Brush or spray cut side with olive oil. 1 pomegranate - cut in half. With a citrus juicer, juice one half to yield 1tbsp juice after removing some of the seeds to retain with seeds from other half.
70g goats cheese or Danish feta crumbled

Combine 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil with 2 tsp pomegranate molasses, 1 tbsp pomegranate juice and a squeeze of lemon juice
Season with salt & cracked pepper

To serve Combine 50g rocket leaves with a handful of basil. Just before serving, warm the figs through , cut side down, on a BBQ. Add figs

and cheese. Drizzle with dressing and scatter with pomegranate seeds

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Spring is just around the corner

Hi R
I heard that your Spring is slow in coming this year so I thought this might cheer you up.

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But did it change your life?

Hi R
I'm repeating this post because I never did get an answer to my question, "Did it change your life?" and "What colour are you now?"  C

Posted 2012 -  have been dying to talk about hair, mainly about issues to do with dyeing it or not -and my friend from provided me with the perfect opportunity when she said, "Have you ever just wanted a change? You know something to brighten your day, set your world on fire? Well that was me yesterday at the hair salon. Why not go red? After all I was born a red head. My father's nick name was Red. I have fair skin and freckles, perfect for red hair. So I pulled the plug (on the bottle) and unleashed the real me. Reddy, set, go. you think? R"

Red, Set Go...R's fabulous new hair colour
self portrait taken with my iPhone and photo shopped just a tiny bit

Hi R
"I have cut out articles from magazines etc, have observed brave friends who have taken the au - naturale road (No no no! Not me! Don't be silly!), so feel I am quite expert at the subject; and I am totally with you. Why not be a perfectly natural red head? I think you look like a movie star!
More to come on this strand but in the meantime, how has it has changed your life?
Clara of blonde tresses

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