Two friends reunited (via facebook) bridging the time gap of 30 years, the geographical gap - Australia and USA, and the generation gap; by blogging about food, fashion, fotography, fitness, family, and friends.
Renotta ........ Web-
Clara ........"Developing a fusion of contemporary food with health, fitness and creative ideas. - Web Web

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Spring Training or Time to Belly Up to the Bar

It's that time of the year again when we all have to face the naked truth. Young or old, male or female, we have to come out of our winter hibernation. The great unveiling! We've had five long months of cover up with big parkas, bulky sweaters, stretchy skinny jeans and Uggs. Ugg! Now we look forward to exposed arms and legs, form fitting clothes and feet in flip flops. I'm no different than anyone, maybe just a bit older and hopefully wiser. I admit I'm perusing the isles for the best tan in a bottle, hauling out all my exercise tapes and weights and cranking up the old tread mill. I have always exercised in some form. In my twenties I was a modern dancer. As I moved into my thirties, Jane Fonda taught us all to "feel the burn". Then there were the years of jumping rope, step routines, weight liftingrunning, cross country skiing, stationary biking, you name it, I've done it. If I could give you one bit of advice it would be, be kind to your body, walk don't run, stretch a lot and relax. But I know that's lost on deaf ears. So look forward to some stiff hips and creaky knees. I've had to really temper what I do these days, and fitting exercise into my schedule still remains a challenge. I admit I let things slide over the winter, but I'm back at it. I've decided one thing, I'm going to walk before I talk, jog before I blog and stretch before I sit and knit. I've also decided to approach this spring's training in realistic moderation. I plan to feel a "little burn" rather than a big burn out. One of my favorite exercise routines is called The 
Bar Method. I like it because it requires no equipment, only some hand weights and a chair, and it reminds me of my days in dance. It's a great exercise to alternate with walking. I modify some of the stretches to fit my body, but for the most part I can get through the whole session. As for my exercise gear, well that's not a pretty picture as I'm in the privacy of my own home and most likely in my pajamas. But I have discovered a tee that really makes me feel great to wear after I'm done! It's called a Skinny Tee and it is just that. We started carrying them at Nextdoor and can't keep them in stock. They're really snug and stretchy, nice and long and don't roll up. You look and feel a size smaller. I'm all for that. They're also much better priced than other similar brands. You can wear them as an undergarment now and as a top later as things warm up. We have them in stock in some nice neutral colors with bright colors on the way. Don't get me wrong, they are not a substitute for exercise but you will get a lift wearing one!

For those of you who like to get out of the house to exercise and live in our area I highly recommend our friends at the Movement Center in Pewaukee. Another great place is Peak Performance in Hartland, where you can take their Skinny Jean Challenge.

shopatnextdoor for skinny tees

For some great "skinny" recipes check out Granny C's blog and website, Fit In Your Jeans Cuisine!


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