Two friends reunited (via facebook) bridging the time gap of 30 years, the geographical gap - Australia and USA, and the generation gap; by blogging about food, fashion, fotography, fitness, family, and friends.
Renotta ........ Web-
Clara ........"Developing a fusion of contemporary food with health, fitness and creative ideas. - Web Web

Monday, March 7, 2011

Priorities and Confessions of a gym dropout

Hi R
Clara is now a gym dropout and prefers
other exercise regimes
Oh no - not the great unveiling!  I was beginning to feel 'let off the hook' but then thought  my planned trip to Italy and France in May, means I face the same challenges but more so because all will be revealed on the deck of the canal boat.  So I am with you all the way but will limit  exposure of arms and the legs to the end half of both, due to vanity and realism.  

Now a self-confessed  'Gym Dropout' since last year, I adopted the idea of 'Exercise with a Purpose' - the concept being that if you have places you need to go, then walk there, or spend time in the garden sweeping my paths and others' paths  in the complex to satisfy my aesthetic needs.  Cutting the hedge, for example, is a great way to exercise the dreaded upper arms and working in the garden definitely helps to restore positive mental equilibrium. I recall one of Jane Fonda's tapes which you introduced me to in the 70s, had one exercise called "PULL WEEDS !  PULL WEEDS!  - She was always so urgent in her requests so I did as I was told.

I am currently writing a book about walks in my area so this also provides many opportunities to get out there and exercise / walk with a purpose along with regular morning walks. Then the 10 minutes of additional exercise  such as some pelvic floor / abdomen stuff, some resistance activities using a stretchy car octopus, and a few basic moves using 2kg / 4lb weights. 

All that is good.  But - while I am in confession mode - I do get up early, yes R, at 6-15 which is early for me, to walk with G.  I really really really want to, but sometimes I really really really really want just a few more precious lifesaving minutes in foggy sleep.  Fortunately for me, G heaps disappointment upon me so being an approval seeker, I do my best.  However, with daylight saving ending soon, it is going to be darker, colder, harder.    Follow my progress! 
Re the 10 minutes exercise - you know what - it doesn't always happen.  One exercise I do religiously, however, redeems  me slightly - ie in waiting for the shower to heat up - with hands behind you grasping the edge of the bath, fingers pointing forward, 20 strong knee bends with pelvic awareness, exercises many essential muscles all at the one time, including the dreaded upper arms I keep referring to.  This is my naked truth!  And the good part is I am still asleep. 

R - I love your new decision -  "I've decided one thing, I'm going to walk before I talk, jog before I blog and stretch before I sit and knit. I've also decided to approach this spring's training in realistic moderation. I plan to feel a "little burn" rather than a big burn out."  The only way I would adjust it to work for me, would be to make it into a mantra - ie "I'm going to walk before I talk, jog before I blog and stretch before I sit and knit,"  because for me, it's all about routine and priorities. 

ps - rather than the 'naked truth', I love the exercise shirts you showed in the last blog. 

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  1. Ladies, I think this mantra is in the air. I too have decided to move my butt and mind. Hot Yoga on Mondays and T, W, & Thu is Pilates. It helps me relax and feel better...and not bouncing all of the gym with the 20 year olds. :) Here's to keeping up the new mantra...Downward Dog before I Blog! ~JR

  2. Love it! Thanks JR
    ps I haven't heard of Hot Yoga.


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