Two friends reunited (via facebook) bridging the time gap of 30 years, the geographical gap - Australia and USA, and the generation gap; by blogging about food, fashion, fotography, fitness, family, and friends.
Renotta ........ Web-
Clara ........"Developing a fusion of contemporary food with health, fitness and creative ideas. - Web Web

Friday, June 25, 2010

Master's Kayakathon in the North Woods

Roberto and I totally enjoyed your blog on Shopping, Squash and Dancing. Lest you think it is all work and no play up here, we wanted to share with you our Golden day in the sun. Being the competitors that we are, we could not resist entering the Kayakathon held every year on our lake. Once again we ruled leaving our competition so far behind that they are no where to be seen.
Roberto quickly taking the lead and Renarto coming in for the finish...


  1. Totally enjoyed seeing you guys having fun at the Masters Kayakathon. Congratulations on your win but as I said to G today after the last match - 'Winners are grinners but it's great to be in it etc etc'
    Don't know if he really gets it, but he enjoyed the beer I bought him.


We would love to hear your feedback.