Two friends reunited (via facebook) bridging the time gap of 30 years, the geographical gap - Australia and USA, and the generation gap; by blogging about food, fashion, fotography, fitness, family, and friends.
Renotta ........ Web-
Clara ........"Developing a fusion of contemporary food with health, fitness and creative ideas. - Web Web

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Crunchy Vietnamese Dinner

Hi R

OK - time to get back to other important matters such as cooking.
We had a Vietnam lunch with friends, who had recently visited there as had my G, so we enjoyed a few delicious fresh tasting dishes from the region.
We have developed a tradition with good friends where we share the joys and burdens of the meal, which works soooooo well since we are all busy........ whether we are retired or not. I have heard it said that some retirees are busier than they ever were; true but great to choose what you want to busy yourself with.

My dear friend offered to do the entree which was CAC MON KHAI VI - Fresh Spring Rolls with Spicy Dipping Sauce. I asked her for the recipe - she laughed and said "They do it better in Cabramatta." Which is probably true since these were superb.

G prepared the pork dish, (recipe perhaps tomorrow) which turned out to be great re entertaining since it could be prepared beforehand. Rice, of course, Asparagus on the side, (for those who may be allergic to chilli, poor things), then the salad.
 A lovely thank you card included the words, "Great company and the most amazing salad."

The recipe morphed from the original, the magic stemming from basic method as is Clara's way ie heavy handed on the fresh, if possible, homegrown herbs, in this case including homegrown lemongrass and fresh mint (actually Vietnamese mint is so easy to grow and gives a peppery flavour), Coriander root (where most of the flavour is), plus stems and leaves. Love the added crunch of chopped celery or carrot, oven roasted nuts or toasted sesame seeds, water chestnuts marinated in the herb mix, or bamboo shoots/Alfafa shoots etc  So it all went together - plus of course some leafy greens -  the rest will follow.

Clara's Amazing Crunchy Vegetable Salad
Serves 6
Vegetable prep - Measures are approx depending on what is available or in season- these veges are great for this dish in whatever proportions you decide,  plus there are other Asian veges out there to be explored. 
Snow peas - 2 handfuls - topped and tailed, and blanched for 1 min in boiling water then refreshed under cold water, 1 lebanese cucumber, sliced, perhaps remove the seeds; red and/or green pepper, sliced or roasted if you prefer; or beans etc leafy greens, ie rocket etc etc included, or even fresh pineapple wedges as I did in this instance. 
Dressing - 3 cloves garlic, crushed
2 teaspoons sugar
1/4 cup lime juice
1 tablespoon sesame oil
2 teaspoons fish sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons rice vinegar or vinegar of your choice
1 tablespoon hoi sin sauce (optional)
Combine, being careful not to overdress the salad,  and top with crunchy sprouts and roasted nuts (peanuts but cashews work well too)
Cheers Crunchy Clara

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1 comment:

  1. Well, it's about time you're giving me something to spice up my life with again. The salad looks lovely, perfectly timed as we are entering our best season here in Wisconsin. There is a great vegetable stand just down the road that we will frequent all summer long. I'm planting all my herbs and looking forward to THE LONG HOT SUMMER!


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