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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

With or without tights, Russell was great and Kate was strong and beautiful.

Hi R
"..........Feared by the rich  Loved by the poor
Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood

It is called a 'prequel' as it concentrates on the story of how and why Robin (prefer Russell, as the name, Robin, means he may have sand kicked in his face DownUnder),  became an outlaw.   
Russell did us proud, even without tights or jeggings.  To be quite honest, I didn't really take notice of what he was wearing in that regard, as I was totally mesmerised by all the chainmail - which MM had to help him to remove when it was suggested he took a bath. Not by her, but I don't want to give away the plot.

Maid Marion (a Denim Diva, if ever there was one), was fabulous and what's news is Russell's chivalry, Looooove that word, was in allowing himself to be upstaged so frequently by Kate's Maid Marion, especially her pronounced athleticism - Russ wasn't bad either, although I did think that he could have shown the correct way re Mouth to Mouth at the end, by turning her head sideways etc but it seemed to work, with mouth to mouth morphing into kissing.  (As you do).

I look forward to the "sequel".  Most of us gals/girls will enjoy this movie - with the added bonus that it can be classified as 'His choice', which then automatically, gives you the next choice.  

1 comment:

  1. I don't know who I love more, Robin Hood, Maid Marian, Russel C or Kate B. I love all RH's...Douglas Fairbanks, Sean Connery, Errol Flynn, Kevin Costner, Carey Elwes. Your review is awesome and I plan to head to the theatre as soon as Roberto (my RH) returns. Steal from the rich and give to the poor! Now what are you going to do with Sex in the City, part 2?


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