Two friends reunited (via facebook) bridging the time gap of 30 years, the geographical gap - Australia and USA, and the generation gap; by blogging about food, fashion, fotography, fitness, family, and friends.
Renotta ........ Web-
Clara ........"Developing a fusion of contemporary food with health, fitness and creative ideas. - Web Web

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Just the right colour around your face

R  The scarf thing is the perfect answer to many of life's little wardrobe problems, isn't it? Just the right color around the face can change your whole appearance. I never had my colors done, but I always feel better in blues and greens and reds and rusts. What does that make me, a spring, summer, fall or winter?

There's a great way to tie a scarf that fills in the neckline nice and keeps the scarf situated. Fold a long narrow scarf in half and loop it around your neck. Pull one end through the loop. Twist the loop and pull the other end through. Voilà!

Have I tied it correctly?  I think I have - looks good anyway. 

re seasonal colours, I am a summer being a blond, with fair skin (tending more towards a blue tinge rather than golden - damn it).  I think you would be a spring  - what do you think?

1.Winter 2.Summer 3.Autumn, and 4.Spring

Colors found together in nature  help you to remember the range of colors they include. Your seasonal color range will complement the coloring of your skin, hair and eyes.

Winter colors are cool, clear and dark to light intensity. Think of the winter landscape colors. In the low light of winter colors appear darker, but on a bright day with the sun reflecting off snow colors appear pale and icy.

Summer colors are also cool, but muted and medium-light to medium-dark in value. Think of seeing the landscape through a summer heat haze. The colors are muted, paler versions of Winter’s. The light colors are creamy pastel rather than icy.

Autumn colors are warm, muted and medium-light to medium-dark intensity. Think of fall New England landscape colors of rich burnt oranges, reds, golden yellows and sludgy greens.

Spring colors are also warm, but clear and bright with medium to light intensity. Think of the bright clear colors of spring flowers and the new season’s clear, bright green shoots.

1 comment:

  1. You got the twist just right. I think I'm a spring, but I'm no spring chicken.


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